Dr David Cullum
Adelaide Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Occupational Physician
Practising predominantly in Neurophysiology and Nerve studies/EMG
Tuesdays and Thursdays at Specialists on Hutt
Dr Cullum graduated from Sheffield University Medical School in 1979.
Following postgraduate work at hospitals in the UK and Boston Massachusetts USA, and 3 years as a ship’s surgeon for P&O Shipping, Dr Cullum came to Australia in 1987 and became a Consultant Physician in Occupational Medicine in 1992.
Dr Cullum has also undertaken training in Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography (EMG) as diagnostic testing for the evaluation of nerve injuries and referred limb pain (entrapment neuropathies and radiculopathies) of both upper and lower extremities, and the facial nerve.
Focusing on musculoskeletal medicine, the practice is with Medicare private patients but Dr Cullum has an interest also in the diagnosis of patients injured in the workplace and assisting both referring physician and patient navigate the workers’ compensation process.
DRCOG, London, 1983
ECFMG, USA, 1983
MRCGP, London, 1984
FACOM, 1992
GDOH, Adelaide, 1992
Resident, Boston Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, England, 1979-1983
Physician to the Walk-in Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA, 1983
Registrar in Community Medicine and Epidemiology, Haringey District Health Authority, London, England, 1984
Occupational Physician, P&O Shipping Lines Pty Ltd, Authorized Medical Officer for the Merchant Seaman’s Act, 1984-86
Physician, Occupational and Musculoskeletal Medicine, 1987-89
Consultant Occupational Physician, 1992 – present
Member, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1994
Fellow, American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians, 1995
Board Certified, American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, 1995
Adjunct Senior Lecturer with the University Of Notre Dame, 2024
Adelaide Electodiagnostic Medicine
Specialists on Hutt
201-203 Hutt Street
Adelaide, SA, 5000
Phone: 08 8318 0808
Fax: 08 8312 3019
Email: admin@specialistsonhutt.com.au